期間中には、たくさんの出会いと気付きがありました。これから新作にも取組みつつ、今回のa layerシリーズもブラッシュアップをしていこうと考えています。
My solo exhibition ended without issue on Sunday, 17 Oct. Thank you to everyone who helped me and who came to my solo exhibition. I learned a lot of things and met many people during my solo exhibition. I think that I will now be focusing on creating new works, all while brushing up on the “a layer” series of works for the next exhibition.
This exhibition has led to the sale of several of the exhibited works. Works that leave their artists’ hands and add a little color to the daily lives of their collectors. They are loved by their collectors and become a source of energy and healing… This is the greatest happiness for the artist. Thank you so much again.
I will continue to devote myself to my artwork together with my wife. I hope you will continue to support me in my future activities. Matane〜